
The Real Empowerment of Woman

Cadena de Amor, Ikaapat. (Chain of Love, Fourth). Surrounded By Vermin
Colored and black pigment ink on 14"x17" Bristol board

The real empowerment of woman 
is not turning her into an object of fantasy or whimsy
not by idolatry
not through empty rhetoric
nor the object of primitive machismo
neither through religious blackmail
and political maneuvers.
Educate her and foster her critical thinking skills.
It is freedom from cultural, political, economic, psychological and religious
subjugation and subservience
It is freedom from harm, harassment, domestic abuse and violence.
It is freedom of choice.
A woman should be free to choose life
Yet be free to manage her body
and control her own reproductive system.
A woman's uterus is her own,
not her husband's
nor the government's
nor the church's.
Responsible reproductive control starts prior to conception.
It does not mean reckless and irresponsible procreation.
Contraception should be safe and readily available.
No, I do not think a church should be forced to violate its canon 
and be twisted into providing this service.
True power starts when we foster a girl 
into believing she is a free human being,
and must take personal responsibility to maintain this freedom.
Her role is of primary importance
 whether she decides to be homemaker or 
follow a career path.
A woman must educate herself
Not wait for men in power to provide it
Nor through self-serving women's group propaganda and agenda
Nor through the dictates of church governed by men.
A woman who bears children should take the responsibility to
raise a daughter or a son so that both sexes equally reach their potentials
as free, responsible and productive members of society
respecting, regarding and supporting each other as equal
human beings.
Being a mother is not a God-given right nor guarantee.
But those who become one should bear in mind 
it is a responsibility.

Gallery - Behance -  Facebook
Scientific namesCommon names
Antigonon leptopus Hook. & Arn.Cadena-de-amor (Span., Tag.)
A. cinerascens M. Martens & GalleottiBride's tears (Engl.)
A. cordatum M. Martens & GalleottiCoral creeper (Engl.)
A. platypus Hook. & Arn. MartensCoral vine (Engl.)
Corculum leptopum (H & A) StuntzChinese love vine (Engl.)
 Coralila, coralita (jamaica)
 Hearts on a chain (Engl.)
 Love vine (Engl.)
 Quuen's wreath (Engl.)


k.h.whitaker said...

oh, the paisley is so awesome :D


Tammie Lee said...

well said
full of truth and i add my heart to yours to make this all so

Anonymous said...

Hello, I came from Facebook. First of all do you sell your artwork? I do not see any link. Are they for sale and where? Are they available online?

I sincerely agree with you and with one of your followers. I too appreciate your wonderful artwork and insight in life and I am also one of those who support the RH bill. There are very few artists in the Philippines who would tackle social issues with their art, mostly everyone is just trying to earn a living selling cute items or whatever would sell. I see that you just do this for a hobby. I remember a group of artists who had a show at the CCP in protest of the church but they ruined their cause by blaspheming Christian beliefs that they lost support. Also, their works were not that great so everyone thought they just wanted attention and be discovered. I remember the late Ang Kio Kok when asked why through his art, he was so angry and he replied "Why shouldn't I be angry? Look around."

I cannot imagine the hardships and difficulty those people go through everyday, as if they are stuck in their situation. That is why that bill needs be passed but you may be right about the giant hurdle with the church. Thank you very much for sharing your art. So beautiful.

Thank you,

Ces Adorio said...

Hello M. Medina, Thank you. I am very honored and appreciate your comment. I have an online store but I really have not set that up yet. More and more, everyday, I think of it. I was in the Philippines when that art show happened! I too was disgusted with it. I did not think it was even freedom of expression, barely and it was an art show judging from the quality of work, so much kitsch. Most of all, as much as I disagree with the church, doing something just for the sake of insulting it and its followers does not make sense. I am a Registered Nurse and I as part of my public health nursing internship, I was assigned for a year in the rural mountains of Antique. There is dispensed education and information regarding birth control. It was 34 years ago but I still remember the earnest looks in the faces of my female patients who really wanted access to birth control and be educated. Even the men volunteered to listen. There was a rumor that they did just to see the young graduate nurses from the city. Well, anything to get them informed. There is so much misconception, misinformation and guilt. I can't say this is the reason for the homeless in Manila. The dire economic situation in the Philippines is attracting many people from the rural areas to try their luck in Manila. I wish I can do something, I do not espouse free abortions, just preconception birth control. It should be one of the choices for couples.

Ces Adorio said...

Thank you Tammie. Tsup!

Ces Adorio said...

Thank you Karen. Tsup!

Ces Adorio said...

Oh another thing, Ang Kiokok is one of my favorite Filipino artists. The Station of the Cross that he painted with Manasala at the UP chapel remains a classic and beautiful cubist art.

Dee said...


Ces Adorio said...

Hehehehe. Da pressure. I see you, stinker!

susan j. said...

I really love your black and white pen drawings but I also love the splashes of color. Are you based in Manila? I cannot tell from your page. Do you sell these? Sorry, I cannot find an email address. I also sent you a private message in Facebook.

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

Hey Darling!
It's been a while. Lots going on in my house right now. Thanks so much for you wonderful sweet words. I so appreciate it.
I send you a great many well wishes and hugs from Charlotte. I love this beautiful illustration. It's beautiful!!!
You are such a detail master! Magnificent!

Shirley said...

YAHOOO sisterfriend! Well said! I always, always get transported from your posts to a place of contemplation and discovery. Not only do your illustrations draw me in, but your words as well. Thank you for always offering your opinion with clarity and boldness..I admire that, Ces. I wish you could be on that vacation my friend..hoping your workload clears up a bit so that you can go soon. Tsup!!

yoborobo said...

Hi Ces! Where does the time go? It's been a long time since I visited you. Time feels like a runaway train lately. :))
I completely agree that birth control needs to be safe and available. Love your drawings, they are very powerful. Hope you are well and enjoying your summer! xo Pam