
A Personal Post and Sharing A Secret

Good morning! This is a very personal post today. What do you think about before you go to bed? What do you look like when you wake up in the morning and what do you think about first thing in the morning? I will address these questions and present images. Please forgive me. Some of these images may prove torturous for some but most especially for me.

If you have been following my blog for a while now, you will know that I oil paint and draw in pen and ink. You may also know about other things. I love trees, especially oak. I also love skies and clouds.

I am okay. No makeup!!! Just a little surgery where they cut my gums and exposed my... okay okay okay! Too much information. Hahahah. Right: Last night, showing off my new prescription RayBan glasses to my best friend and sisters and my swollen cheek. Left: This morning greeting Daisy and Weezy and my cheek still swollen. My oral dental surgery is making me think of one thing... FOOD!!! I am so hungry.

Last night I was chatting with my best friend while I was in the kitchen surrounded by desserts like apple coffee cake, blueberry cake, apple turnovers; a loaf of artisan country wheat loaf, thin bagels, a bag of tortilla triangles, a box of thin crisps...all of which I cannot eat because...I have to eat what toothless people eat: foods that do not require chewing. I almost gave in. Maybe if I chew on the unaffected side...but then I have to do my tooth brushing procedures again and it takes half an hour...

I tortured myself by sending photos of food to my friend and in turn she said I was torturing her because she started thinking about food. Why is it that I do not think about food when I can eat it and I think about it when I can't have it? That is the ultimate punishment for the obsessive!!! Getting stuck on something!!! Because I am rather sadistic, (oh do you know that the Marquis de Sade and I share the same birthday?) I am posting a few food photographs today. Please be observant. I will share a secret at the end of this post. Hahahaha!

This is what I thought about last night and this morning. I cannot eat these foods:

I can only eat these kinds of food:

HAHAHAHAHA! Okay, the cake is not supposed to be there. I just used that photo for visual balance.

In 2007, I used these still life painting exercises as precursors to the paintings I intended to do to get me inspired. The title of my blog is Ces And Her Dishes because when I started blogging in 2006, I wanted to blog about my passion for Fiesta dishes, but I think I am over that now. I still love Fiesta dishes but I don't collect every color anymore. The reason: I have no more room in my china, servers and cabinets. These days, I just give Fiesta dishes to people I love.

I only drink coffee from Fiesta mugs. I used to match the coffee mug with the color of my my pyjamas. HAHAHAHA!

Still life paintings in Oil on Canvas.

Today is Saturday. I am on call!!!

P.S. To all my friends and family and my young friends who read my blog, thank you!!! I appreciate your time and effort. Thank you for your feedback about my drawings and paintings. Oftentimes, the complimentary comments or personal messages that inspire and tickle me the most are those given to me by the young people. I am so tickled that teenagers follow my blog. I love that so much! Keep up the good work guys and I promise, I will not proselytize or lecture. Ugh! That would be pure torture.


Show Your True Stripes

Run! Pigment and India ink on 9"x12" Bristol Board.

Last week, I posted the image on the left. I was a week ahead of Illustration Friday. I already posted my stripes. Talking about stripes, I love pinstripes. I also prefer pinstriped people over flannelmouths, and chintzy people.

So I was preparing a post for Stripes and drew an image of a pinstriped woman on a snowy background. However, I messed up her eyes and so she ended up with hollow eyes, as if her eyeballs were enucleated from the sockets. She looked like a zombie. I figured Halloween is over and so I ditched the image.

Last night, I finished the above drawing. I like the way my experiment turned out. I used India ink to darken the background, instead it turned into an awful mess. I squiggled over the India inked surface with micron pen and I am pleased with the final outcome of my accident. Then after I scanned the image I noticed the stripes!!! Yay!

About the image, I wanted to illustrate motion. However, as with everything else I paint or draw, I never have any concrete plans. I have a general idea and then I start drawing the faces, if I am not happy with the face, I tear the drawing.

Have you ever met someone who turns out to be so wonderful, sometimes you wonder if you are dreaming? I have a friend with whom I have communicated almost everyday for several years now. I have yet to find a reason to be bored and stop. I can't find any, in fact, I find the opposite. Not that I am looking for a reason, but I want to pinch myself sometimes to be sure I am not dreaming. The only thing which I may consider a problem is the fact that she is such a mental ninja, I have to be up my toes and running to catch up with her agile and sharp mind. I am so blessed! Thank you.

You know what I find amazing? The fact that a piece of paper and a pen with 0.20 mm line width, can illustrate texture, motion and friendship.

Okay, I just wanted to share a peek of what's on my drawing pad...

Have a wonderful week everyone! Go Texans!!!