The problem with winning the rat race is you're still a rat.
Lilly Tomlin
Dear friends: I no longer receive email notices of comments, not sure why. Therefore, I will only be able to read your comments when I visit my blog(s). I appreciate your time and your comments and if I do not respond immediately, it is because I am trying to survive the rat race without becoming a rat. Have a great week!!!
Oh RATS! Guess I'll slow down....
Your pen work is so amazing Ces, it inspires me!
Ces, I was not really aiming at the USA...well...maybe.
(A little) We coldn't hold 'em back, girl. Most powerful
nation in the world tossed out God, then tossed out
the Constitution, out with FREEDOM, screw all sense of reason,
away with strength, hope, and sit back with our Burgers and fries,
Oscars, Super Bowls, lighting cigars with thousand-dollar bills and the world slip away one last time, the FINALE!
I don't think it is over, at least that's what they are trying to do. However, Americans have revolted over taxes before. I think after all the accusations of intolerance, Americans are patient and tolerant until they have had enough. Something is going to happen, that is why the government is buying all the ammunition. Certainly it is not preparing for China. The second amendment was actually aimed to protect the people from tyranny.
Your rat's got crazy skills!!!!! Hahahaha! I think if I had a big hall with a checkerboard floor, I'd use it like a roller rink too. Insanely gorgeous wallpaper, girl! EEEK, a spider! Gotta get my vacuum!
ah! wonderful!
Ton travail ma chère Ces est de plus en plus extraordinaire... Cependant il faut que je te fasse un aveu !!
J'ai peur des rats et des souris ! et j'espère ne jamais me trouver face à face avec un tel rat avec des rollers aux pattes! SOURIRE!!...
Celui est majestueux puisqu'il est le roi !
Bravo ! ma chérie... Une série sur les ours serait formidable... Non ?
Gros bisous à toi
Ces.....You should have posted a pic of you!!
I love this Rat guy...trouble is with the Rat race...if you don't win you're still a Rat (as well).!!!!
look at all those lines and details. I love the humor of this piece. Also i love the back drop details, gorgeous!
sending a warm smile from my wintry world.
Wow! That's one talented rat! (My hamster doesn't do that - at least not in my presence!) As usual, amazing detail. The background is STUNNING.
That's one talented rat Ces. But I think I love the background the most. Beautiful! Sorry your comment notification is off kilter. Hugs!
A skating rat? You're so creative. Many thanks and wish you luck on the rat race. I hope your whiskers propel you forward fast enough! :-)
Greetings from London.
This is a wonderful illustration - so full of texture and detail and so imaginative!
Grandewitch, im just checking in on you hope everythings fine okay im on holiday now my life depends on WiFi haha im a backpacker, tsup!!!!
Wow! A rat on skates! That will indeed take some beating! Amazing creativity, loved the quote at the beginning too! Have a lovely weekend Ces :)
Wow! A rat on skates! That will indeed take some beating! Amazing creativity, loved the quote at the beginning too! Have a lovely weekend Ces :)
Gosh, I've never gotten email notifications for comments, didnt even think I could. But what I've discovered lately is the 'comments' page for my blog that is found on the Template page in the left-hand column. I put that in my bookmarks bar and check it every hour. What's great about it is you can see all comments made on any post both old and new, and any spam as well, all as they come in. You can delete the spam below the comment, quickly and easily.
Hmm, apparently the rat won because he wears skates. As if the little bastards weren't quick enough!
Clever and well drawn, Ces. That's talent for you ;)
Wow Ces...what a great piece! Is that a painted background? Or colored pencil? Amazing details and the rats skates fit perfectly. :)
I wonder why you don't receive comments????
Fantastic illustration, Ces. You've knocked it outta the park with this one..and I concur with the sentiment. Here I am spinning out little illustrations every once a week (at most) and you're kicking butt constantly with full art pieces. You are true talent! Tsup!!
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