

It stinks. I am sick. I have fever and chills. Bedridden. Tired and weak. Nothing else to do but rest and drink tea and have chicken noodle soup. I slept and took naps. I dreamed I was a Lilliputian and the giant trees in The Lord Of The Rings were stomping on the ground. I started drawing the Death Cap mushroom (Amanita phalloides) then I read about the Kingdom Fungi and discovered stinkhorns... These are 4"x6" illustrations on 11"x14" Bristol board or Cotton paper.

 A new project on Behance:

Left to right, Top to Bottom: 
Lysurus gardneri, Lysurus periphragmoides, Mutinus caninus
 Lysurus mokusin, Phallus indusiatus, Mutinus elegans

 Left to right, Top to Bottom:
Phallus hadriani, Phallus ravenelli, Phallus rubicundus
 Aseroe rubra, Colus pusillus, Staheliomyces cinctus

Now available through Society 6

 Oh don't they look good framed?


steveroni said...

OH CES! PLEASE don't get sick...too many people depend on you, at home, at work, in Philippines. Well, lots of them around to take good care of you?

Rest, drink tea, and have chicken noodle soup. Take lots naps, and dream you are a Lillputian.

Rick Forrestal said...

Oh no, too many people I know are sick, and out of action. Not you!
Sleep . . . liquids . . . patience. Hope you knock it, quickly.
My thoughts and healing prayers are with you.

I am not at all familiar with stinkhorns, but these are so unusual, so dangerous looking.
Good work (just wash your hands.)

Rod MacGregor said...

Get well soon Ces, Sounds like your dreams come from eating the wrong type of mushrooms!!!

Tam Hess said...

FEEL BETTER CES!! Your stinkhorns are mighty fine :) So was your awesome dream ;) stinkhorns belong in the Lord of the Rings anyway.

martinealison said...

Ma chère amie il ne faut pas manger les champignons douteux ! Ils vont te donner de la fièvre ! Sourire...
Ils sont terriblement jolis tes dessins de champignons... Ils ont une connotation phallique !...
Attention !! prends bien soin de toi... Soigne-toi et reste au fond de ton lit le temps qu'il faut !
Gros bisous

Ces Adorio said...

Yes, they belong to the order Phallaceae. Very smelly mushrooms.

Bella Sinclair said...

Wow, I'm surprised these are not making you dream the same dream you had years ago after inspecting young soldiers. Rest well and get better soon, dear Ces. Tsup from a distance. xoxo

Ces Adorio said...

Some of these mushrooms have edible eggs. Still the idea is sort of creepy because these fungi are described as fetid, putrid, stinky, smelly, odorous, offensive...No thanks.

Ces Adorio said...

Ewwwww! That would be a nightmare!!!

Deborah said...

Ah, yes, the mushroom porn collection. A rare find!!! Hope you are feeling better by now, my Cesalicious.
**kisskiss** Deb