Drawing elephants, perhaps not as meek as the ones in Congress. Do you know that in this country we pay for entitlements with unicorn farts.? Yes like Obamacare. Instead of reimbursing hospitals for providing care, hospitals will be facing stiff fines and penalties for not meeting the massive regulations that Obamacare will demand. Does it improve healthcare? A few, but most of it is massive reporting and paperwork demands to gather information on every patient who comes in to the hospital. Why do you think I have been writing clinical rule programs at work like a crazy elephant? It is because I can't live on unicorn farts and as a former trauma emergency nurse, I would rather be caring for patients than spending time in front of a computer meeting the documentation demands of Obamacare. I am implementing another rule this morning. At least, consider yourself lucky if you have access to a doctor. Many physicians are now refusing to see patients without private health insurance. Many specialists refuse to see patients and with looming regulations and reduced reimbursements some hospitals are terminating specialty services. In California, already with a lack of doctors, come Obamacare, you may have to go see an optometrist for your diabetes. Ahh ask not what you can do for your country but what your country can do and provide for you so you become a useless individual unable to care and think for yourself and manage your own affairs and put up with what the government provides for you. Stop complaining. Swallow your medicine. You asked for it.
Bonsoir ma chère Ces, J'ai manqué plusieurs de tes publications... mais ce soir j'ai le plaisir d'admirer avec beaucoup d'attention tes dessins... Ils sont toujours aussi étonnants. Je te lis également et dans ton dernier billet, je comprends ton mécontentement... En France aussi la paperasse a pris le dessus sur les soins!... gros bisous
Love the elephants, they are gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous :D and I agree, health care is just.... I don't even know what to say. It's a mess and I'm afraid it will not get any better in the foreseeable future. I didn't think of the paperwork. Good grief I can just imagine it.
I totally get this post. Totally. I am no longer at the hospital. Mixed feelings about that one. Sigh. Sigh. Sigh. I read a lovely book a couple of years ago called "Nurse! Please!". It made me wish I was an R.N. back in the 40's and 50's instead.
Bonsoir ma chère Ces,
J'ai manqué plusieurs de tes publications... mais ce soir j'ai le plaisir d'admirer avec beaucoup d'attention tes dessins... Ils sont toujours aussi étonnants.
Je te lis également et dans ton dernier billet, je comprends ton mécontentement... En France aussi la paperasse a pris le dessus sur les soins!...
gros bisous
Ohhhh wow, zero lines! That is gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!
Love the elephants, they are gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous :D and I agree, health care is just.... I don't even know what to say. It's a mess and I'm afraid it will not get any better in the foreseeable future. I didn't think of the paperwork. Good grief I can just imagine it.
The elephants are spectacular.
But now I want you to draw Unicorn farts...
Oh, and "amen"!
I totally get this post. Totally. I am no longer at the hospital. Mixed feelings about that one. Sigh. Sigh. Sigh. I read a lovely book a couple of years ago called "Nurse! Please!". It made me wish I was an R.N. back in the 40's and 50's instead.
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