
Oak Art Giveaway Winner!!!

I promised to give original oak art cards to the lucky draw winner from among my oak blog followers. These two 2.5"x3.5" Bristol Board art cards are mounted on 8"x10" black mats. These are Quercus suber mature acorn and leaf specimen illustrations. The acorns and leaf are not drawn on the same scale. Instead of selecting random acorns and leaves from my collection, I decided to draw something more significant for Rod MacGregor, who is the winner of my the first original oak art card give-away at my illustrated oak collection blog. I started the blog last December to showcase my oak art collection. I could not decide between the juvenile acorn (left) and the mature acorn (above) so I will just add it to the packet. Congratulations Rod. I hope you will like these. To Rod and everyone who are following my oak blog, thank you.


Rod MacGregor said...

OMG I am Really Happy that I won these beautiful works of Art Ces!!!! And with an added bonus...I can't believe my luck!!!!!Thankyou, thankyou and thankyou Ces Adorio!!!!!!!!

Rod MacGregor said...

http://thepenmover.blogspot.com.es/2013/02/i-am-winner.html Hope you don't mind Ces, I borrowed a couple of these images for my blog!!

Bella Sinclair said...

Woooohoooo! Congratulations, Mr. MacGregor!

dosankodebbie said...

Rod is a lucky guy! :)

Tammie Lee said...

so happy for mister MacGregor, what an awesome gift!!

Steve E said...

Rod MacGregor, congratulations, to the winner of Ces-Art, which is both spiritual and entertaining...maybe educational? Indeed, you will cherish this (these) gifts, and somehow, some day, they will bless you.

Rod MacGregor said...

Thanks for those Kind comments everyone!!! Good luck to you all!!

Ces Adorio said...

Mailed it! :)

Curious Art said...

Oh, I'm never in the right place at the right time, sigh! But I so enjoy your oaks & your Dumptys & everything you do! <3