...the ones with raised trunks. This one has her trunk lowered. I hope you don't mind. It's just the way things are sometimes. I was thinking of what you said and even though I can't RECALL the exact words you said it's not about RECALLING the lecture but LEARNING the lesson. Sometimes I FORGET. Thank you for REMINDING me so I REMEMBER. I think of you everyday. Everyday. EVERYDAY.

A lazy Sunday afternoon...Guess what Daisy is doing? She is sitting on the chair next to me. She is resting her head on my leg. Wheezy comes over and snuggles. I am being smothered by canine love!!! My husband, daughter and I went to the bookstore where I drew these elephants while they browsed and bought books. We stopped at Whole Foods on the way home. My daughter wanted a taste of cannoli while my husband was making peanut butter from fresh peanuts. The baker said he will give me cannoli if I gave him my drawing. Hahahah! It was not finished yet. My daughter and I waited by the pastries. We walked around and sampled some cheese. She sampled pate'. Hehehehe. I told her one of the ingredients of pate' and she gave me a funny look. I am so lazy today but I completed three pen and ink drawings and gave up on an unfinished one. I think I have been seeing a lot of heads and feathers for the past two weeks...Tsup!
AWWW, the large elephant is sad? While the little Peep is happy with a :-) face.
Ces. this is serious: Only people who I have known who can--are able--to love others, family and close friends such as you DO...are those who have ripped "self" from their lives.
What a wonder-teacher, you, to whoever is ready. Ready to learn. Ready to discover how to turn their love OUTWARD from that exaggerated self-love, so prominent in society, including in my life.
You teach me that the key, the path, the way of life is of love: giving and giving. I imagine it is how God's love, in an Eternal (constant) flow to us. He blesses the seasons in a single blade of grass; the Universe of our unknowing in a single birth of elephant, rat, or human.
You continue to shower us with your love, in reminding us to love others, always give, of time, talent, experience.
Oh no, she is not sad. She is just copacetic. Steve, thank you for being so loyal and faithful to my blog, I appreciate your visits and comments, alas, I am not qualified to be anybody's teacher. I am not trying to be humble. I know for a fact that I join a legion of people who love their family. Take care my friend! Thank you again!!!
Beautiful! and I love the new header!!! So pretty...
I love elephants too, because they have close associations with my own dear sister whom I have not seen since 2001, the last time I was able to make the journey to America.
Can you feel that? It is my heart pounding....
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