Okay, not those kind. We had a wonderful birthday celebration dinner for my daughter yesterday. Thanks to my husband for arranging all of that. Yes, he did. He even took charge of the card and gift. I was supposed to arrange for a cake and that is why there was no cake. I am a lousy mother. I will make up for it sometime next week when we have exercised away all the dinner calories we ingested. :) Last year I arranged for a cake and it was untouched for a week in the refrigerator. My husband told me to take it to work so it will be eaten. well, it was my daughter's cake, why should I take the whole cake to work? So I had to make a sacrifice by eating a slice... Oh well, after all mothers are expected to make sacrifices. Hehehe!
I have not done any drawing for a while. Oh let me take that back. Actually I have been drawing but not everyday. So I feel like I have not been drawing. I want to draw something for Illustration Friday but it is difficult to start. Sometimes looking at my old drawings inspire me to draw because I always see something I need to correct. Maybe after I scrub and mop the kitchen floor, clean the showers and toilets, finish my laundry, dust, tidy up...I will have a chance to light my new beeswax candles that were delivered yesterday. That may inspire me to draw something new for Wings. In the meantime, below are pen and ink drawings on 9"x12" Bristol boards. They are part of the Arabesque Series I did two or three years ago.
Yesterday I went for my annual physical exam. My doctor told me to go out in the sun for at least fifteen minutes. She does not want me to keep taking high doses of prescription Vitamin D. She said that I should be able to obtain Vitamin D naturally through diet and naturally from the sun. My children told me that my doctor is right. They said I look like a like a vampire and my legs are too white. What the heck? I do not look like a vampire but come to think of it, vampires have wings. Hmn...
What about dancing to this tune? My children wonder why I have music like this in my iPod and iTunes library. I actually have a couple of Ragheb Alama's songs. They were included in two CD albums (World Groove and Cleopatra Cafe) I bought many years ago when they were little children and when I would spontaneously belly dance while oil painting. I found this video in You Tube. Just close your eyes and soak the rhythm. Soon you will find yourself belly dancing...although I did not expect belly dancing mice!
I need to go out in the sun more too Ces. I take too much vitamin D in the Winter because I rarely get out. Maybe we need to take a trip to Australia to see Andrew. We can pick up our Winter vitamin D supply while we are there ;)
Love the wings illustrations, especially the hummingbirds. Hummingbirds are fascinating. I love the way they appear to just hang in the air...like tiny, iridescent, floating peacocks
Doubt you have 15 minutes to spare for sunshine, Ces. Let's see, what will you give up? Your morning run? Nite-Clubbing? Your daily motorcycle ride? Your morning make-up time? (Oh! You already gave that up?!)...
You COULD sqiggle in the sunshine (partly shades area), but you'd end up with burning slin...stayng out there much too long----as this comment is much too long, and so with tip of hat, and highest of admiration for your work with these illos, I remain a strong rooting section of your Peeps! Steve
I need to go out in the sun more too Ces. I take too much vitamin D in the Winter because I rarely get out. Maybe we need to take a trip to Australia to see Andrew. We can pick up our Winter vitamin D supply while we are there ;)
Love the wings illustrations, especially the hummingbirds. Hummingbirds are fascinating. I love the way they appear to just hang in the air...like tiny, iridescent, floating peacocks
These are great illustrations Ces!!! Love the compositions..I love you header as well its deeeeeeep!!!
Guuurrrl, flap them beautiful wings! I am in the mood for some wings now. Game night coming soon.
I like your kind of sacrifice. I sacrifice a lot everyday.
Hahaha, that lady is enjoying the video a bit too much, don't you think?
Doubt you have 15 minutes to spare for sunshine, Ces. Let's see, what will you give up? Your morning run? Nite-Clubbing? Your daily motorcycle ride? Your morning make-up time? (Oh! You already gave that up?!)...
You COULD sqiggle in the sunshine (partly shades area), but you'd end up with burning slin...stayng out there much too long----as this comment is much too long, and so with tip of hat, and highest of admiration for your work with these illos, I remain a strong rooting section of your Peeps!
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