

Greetings! So nice to wake up early this morning and receive an email from Behance's Chief Curator Oscar Ramos Orosco. My Lesser Known Dumptys Series has just been featured on Character Design Served's front page. Go check out and appreciate the featured project and make my head really big, like these characters. Actually, they don't have a head, just one big ovoid body with thin stick-like extremities.


Rick Forrestal said...

A well deserved honor. Congrats!
I love this series.

I'm waiting for some nationwide recognition for your acorn body of work.

Ces Adorio said...

Ah, thank you Rick. It tickles me to receive special mention like this. I do these things because I need a lot of stress relief from my mentally arduous job. So when once in a while I get this it makes me smile.Other than than there's nothing much happening here. Hehehe.

Bella Sinclair said...

YAY! What's this, like your third time? See???? It's not a fluke. It's recognition of incredible talent. Congratulations! Tsup!

Ces Adorio said...

Not necessarily. Someone just happens to like my work.

steveroni said...

Well, someone else likes your work--me! and NOT becuse the "real" Humpty Dumpty is a violinist, serenading his pig...before sitting on the wall--rather FALLING from the wall, etc.....

HA! Of course Ces--it IS "all about me."
It is so late after a blong day (I did post a blog Monday), I'm coagulating...now clotting...time to put it away, and go to ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

k.h.whitaker said...

umm, yeah, of course they do!

steveroni said...

BOY! This quote from Timothy 4:3-4 "For the time is coming...." hits right between the eyes, doesn't it? But who is reading? Worse, who is understanding? One could say,
"What can we do? What is there to do?"

Answer: Maybe nothing...we are simply
in the Hand of GOD, Who LOVES us all!


Ces Adorio said...


steveroni said...

RVLOOSHN--isn't that the way Peeps get killed? And with no guns, we'd have to throw rocks at the tanks like Egyptians, Pakistanis, Syrians, Russians, French, Iranians, et al. and cry and cough and choke--tear gas.

Again, I'm glad I'll be gone.

On the other hand--I wish I could stay. It will be a MIGHTY exciting time!
Always wanted to be on the front line...finally, crazy enough to really DO it!!! (THAT'S what we should do. THEY put children out front. Lets put us OLD Peeps out there--with guns. HAHAHA! We'd probably end up shooting each other in political arguments...
Good Night, Ces.

Ces Adorio said...

Rocks and stones are what people in third world countries use to defend themselves. Those are also the things they use, plus their bodies to defend themselves from tyrannical governments. Governments on the verge of tyranny always disarm the people first: Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Castro, Marcos...You will still be here, Steve. Obamacare is coming in 2014. Americans, I believe, are different from other people. The will not tolerate oppression for long. As much as I find the current state of things depressing, I have an overwhelming sense of doom yet hopeful in a sense that I know something big is going to happen. I believe that the good Americans will do something right. It's ominous...