
Yield! Surrender! Succumb!

The Transmission Of The First Ever Tweet

Fra Guido Bruno Sardonico yields, surrenders and succumbs to technology by sending the first ever tweet on 1614 A.D.
Pigment ink on 11"x14" Bristol Board

...and I yield and succumb to the  seductive and obsessive effects of archival pigment ink. I cannot help it!!! At least my daughter is relieved to see me draw something other than acorns. I heard her sigh of relief when she saw me draw. "Ah, at least you are not drawing acorns." I wonder why she is so averse to me drawing acorns. I love it so. She told her teacher about my fascination with oak. Her teacher asked "So if you bring an acorn to her, she will be able to identify it?" My daughter said "Yes...". She then told me her teacher said "That is so dorky but it is really cute." I have never been called "dorky" before. I consider that quite a compliment.

In the meantime, I want to tell you why I was stopped several times by airport security personnel when I traveled through Korea and Japan. I was carrying between 50 to 100 archival pigment pens. If you decide to do that, make sure you have sample illustrations and be prepared to use the pen in front of one inspector who needs further convincing.

What you get after the inspection is a very respectful bow and with hands pressed together. If you are like me, you would want to return that gesture. Just make sure you do not drop the pens all over the screening area and drop several ATC illustrations of acorns on the floor. People will give you weird  and annoyed looks because you just stopped the screening flow.


dosankodebbie said...

My heart always flip-flops when I look at your artwork. It's kind of like being in love.

Ces Adorio said...

Aaaawww Debbie! That is so sweet! You just made my day, my week. I had a really awful week. Pffft. Geesh, it was just disgusting. Thank you for the picker upper.

Rick Forrestal said...

Oh this is good.
Thanks the pigments.

Ces Adorio said...

Heheh! Thanks Rick.

steveroni said...

Once I had to play violin for airport security. And once, they just confiscated everything except violin and 3 bows...even my rosin stick. NOTE: Several pointed items I use for instrument repair, or changing strings--GONE! ALSO my stash of new strings, couple hundred bucks' worth....

Fra Guido Bruno Sardonico tweeted before he could Twitter...hmmmm! Maybe I'll delete that statement? NAH! Love the middle name Bruno for a "man of the cloth"...Imagine, Saint Bruno! (I just looked it up, Saint Bruno c1030-1101, Founder of the Carthusians.)

Maybe your weekend will be better--well, the weekend WILL be better, hopefully you will, too, dear Ces!
Thanks for blogging. We need you, girl!

k.h.whitaker said...

ahhhh, so beautiful Ces. I'm still laughing at the thought of all those pens in airport security. I would have bowed too. :)

Bella Sinclair said...

Absolutely beautiful! How I wish I were walking upon those stones.

I wonder what he is tweeting.

"Just got my head shaved and feeling smooth."

"Love my robe and the sound it makes when I walk."

"Got the latest illuminated text by C.A.C. Amazing!"

Ces Adorio said...

Hahahaha! I love your FPOT!

Ces Adorio said...

See? Never underestimate the power of the name Bruno.
Weekend better already. Thank you, Steve!

Ces Adorio said...

Thankfully it was not so embarrassing. Some people helped me pick up the pens. :)

Anonymous said...

I think it's awesom you can identify acorns. How many people in the world can do that??! My only unique 'gift' is that I can wiggle my lower lids. THATs dorky and not even remotely useful.

brandi said...

~my dear friend...you make saturdays delicious...look at all of these...i wonder...has one ever thought of compliling ones art into a book...so beautiful each one is...a scared journey of your heart and mind flowing along these papers...a gift your art truly is...if dorky means i could draw like so then dorky i would be...hehehe...much love light and blessings~

Rod MacGregor said...

You've made tweeting seem less cheap! Great art work Ces!

Cindy D. said...

Beautiful ink! Love the draping fabric and all those lovely natural textures. He does look just a little worried, perhaps he is unsure whether this first tweet will be taken in the spirit it was intended.

martinealison said...

Ma chère Ces... j'ai eu le même souci mercredi dernier à l'aéroport de Cebu avec ma boîte d'aquarelle, mes feutres et tout mon matériel mêlés à mon traitement médical (piqûres) dans ma valise de cabine...
Ma valise principale était déjà partie pour la soute, donc plus possible de faire le transfère ! Grrrrr, j'avais beau expliqué... Il y a même un inspecteur qui s'était mis à gratter mes godets de peinture...!!
Tous les regards se portaient sur moi et j'avais l'impression d'une incompréhension totale.
Je ne sais pas ce qui s'est passé, au bout d'un long moment après que ma boîtes soit passée de mains en mains et d'un service à un autre, j'ai eu droit à la replacer dans mon sac à main et non dans ma valise cabine !!! C'était complètement ridicule puisque les deux m'accompagnaient!...
Je suis très admirative de ton dernier dessin... L'atmosphère qui y règne est le silence...
Le gestuel est sublime...
gros bisous ma chère Ces

illustration poetry said...

this is GRANDE, seriously.
makes me want to listen to Enigma.
which is good.

illustration poetry said...

Grandewitch i so want to hug you right now!

Manon said...

Love, love this piece!!! Btw.... I happen to love the acorns you did for me!! I look at them every single day!! : )))

Curious Art said...

Oh my, you are so near & yet so far!! Are you passing through the Triangle? I promise no border security checks.

p.s. I love your medieval tweet! "Of making many tweets there is no end; & much twittering is a weariness of the flesh..."

I confess I'm actually quite fond of Twitter though.

Caroline said...

Your drawings are most tweet-worthy! Acutally I think they are most print-worthy too - indeed, what a fab coffee table book it would be!

theartofpuro said...

Beautiful and clever:)