“We'll be Friends Forever, won't we, Pooh?' asked Piglet.
Even longer,' Pooh answered.”
The Ivory Babies. The Secret Ingredient of Mud Pies. Oil on 30"x40" canvas.
Words With Friends. Oil on canvas.
Here is something really cool about today:
April 7th:
I always try to celebrate this day, everyday.
Il est bon d'avoir des journées sans ménage !...
D'avoir des heures pour soi !... des jours heureux comme ceux que tu as partagé avec tes soeurs et frères...
Il est toujours un immense plaisir que d'admirer tes oeuvres. Une bonne journée alors pour moi !
Gros bisous à toi chère amie.
Oh my goodness Ces, you really did something special in the Mudpie painting. It's so perfect and magical. Love your sisters painting too...I can see how fond they are of each other.
I hope you enjoy NOT doing any housework today.
Happy Sisterfriendday Ces...I know what that must mean to you!! The top painting reminds me of Gauguin and the bottom of Modigliani...fantastic!!!
I love these paintings!!!! They bring me such joy. Those perfect jade teacups and teapot, all neatly set up in a row. How thoughtful! You have a gift with colors.
No housework for me today, nosiree bob!
Ces, your artwork is lovely, as always, and so imaginative! I have a sister by birth, and many more by introduction! Sisterhood is wonderful! Thanks for stopping by!
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