
To The One I Miss

When I miss someone I love, it is not an exaggeration. I feel lacking, like missing a limb. Sometimes the feeling is strong, I actually feel as if my heart is out of my chest cavity.  I did not want to draw the latter, as it might be too gory and surreal. Hmn... I may try it anyway. I try to protect myself by thinking I don't miss much and I end up fooling myself, but sometimes it works...

On Missing You
Genuine Feeling But Lousy Poetry

I don't miss you...
I don't miss you...
I don't miss you...
I miss you...
I miss you...
I miss you...
I love you.

My heart aches.
I am a lousy poet.
At least that will make you 
I hope you are laughing.
What I would give 
to hear you laugh again.

I love you.
I hope you are happy.
I try to be.
I miss you.
I love you.

Keep Going...


Lisa Graham said...

Deeply touching post and art. Big huge hug for you.

steveroni said...

Dear, dear Ces

I used to cringe when I heard a president say to all of us, "I FEEL YOUR PAIN!" Especially when it sounded like so much BS.

But here I am--finally understanding, and so....yes, "I feel your lingering sorrow, your sadness. But more than that, I feel the void left in you...something BIG is missing from you. However, is she not (as you know!) SO near, can be even touched, by your warmth, sorrow?

And your LOVE, dear Ces! ...so girl, laugh together with her, for she is in HAPPY place, and wishes also YOUR peace and joy, No Matter What. (Yes, I DO feel all this, or I could not write it.)

So I write to copy the two words which finish your EXCELLENT poetry: "KEEP GOING..."!

Bella Sinclair said...

The Maestro could not have said it better. I love you, my dear friend. Tsup!

martinealison said...

Quand on sent le vide nous échapper l'absence est encore plus grande...
Des mots qui écorchent et des mots qui guérissent...
Une oeuvre qui soulage...

Gros bisous ma chère Ces

k.h.whitaker said...

:( so lovely, so sad...

k.h.whitaker said...

sending you a ((((HUG))))

Curious Art said...

This brought tears to my eyes... I know it must be so hard to keep going, but I'm so glad you do.

Arija said...

My dearest Ces, thank you for your sweet, sweet comment. When you are in constant severe pain that is like stabbing knives combined with severe burning and then wake up at night with half your body locked in such severe cramps end up screaming for half an hour, that is when I sink into the feeling of being totally bereft. I want my mummy and my sister, I so need loving support.
It does not help that Peter is being shifted from one nursing home to another because he is so set on breaking out no matter how nice the facility is.The situation with their father has my children at loggerheads, which is very difficult to reconcile. The nursing home fees are not doing my financial situation any favours either.
I am just so lucky that I have such lovely and supportive friends like you and Bella.