
The Bella Sinclair Award

Within the four corners of my desk is a small rectangular piece of machine, fragile and dependent on unseen electrical currents and programs. It yields to the power of Zeus when he throws extreme thunderbolts and it answers to an even higher power, our seven-month old family pet, Daisy. It is something that connected me everyday to someone very dear in Tokyo and connects me now to another in New Jersey; to Savannah; to
Escondido; to Winnipeg; to Sydney and Vienna. Most of these connections are with women who share the English language and an interest in art. I blog.
In the blogs, I receive enormous satisfaction when I see Arija's blazing sunrises and sunsets and read her prose and poetry; when I read Renee's cancer treatment journal where she struggles and perseveres and then inspires; when Manon shares the painting of her women with intense gazes and the bucket of gesso she spilled on her studio floor; when Silke shares her new painting; when I see Linda furiously paint with her finger; when I see BT's garden; when I see Aimee's fascinating word art; and read of Deborah being so proud of Pfc Ryan, understandably so; and smile at Baino’s
intense dissertations; when I see Marie’s incredible clay sculptures and Diana Evan’s colorful cupcakes; when Bimbimbie gazes at the vaticinating moon and then there's Bella Sinclair, Bella whose art exudes joy and mirth that one cannot deny that life is beautiful! If I had no tangible reason to blog before, I do now.
Bella Sinclair is on leave from blogging while she resettles to her new home after a most anticipated return to the US from Japan, only to be punctuated by the tragic and sudden loss of her husband, days before their return flight. Her friends in blogworld wish her and her daughters the best and send them prayers for the healing of their pain and sorrow which is paramount. If one wants to find evidence of a sisterhood in the blogs, just visit Bella's blog.
I designed this award to celebrate art in the blogs and to honor the value of friendship, sisterhood, sharing and caring. It is to be awarded to the gifted, accomplished, eloquent and talented blogger whose friendship and influence inspire us to do our best. That I named it after Bella Sinclair is because she epitomizes all of these things. She is an inspiration to many of us.


I have chosen to symbolize this award with the Quercus lobata or Valley Oak. It is a simple and unadorned award but heavy on meaning. The Valley Oak is a large handsome tree with a stout and sturdy trunk and widely spreading branches that form a broad open crown. It can reach up to a height of 100 feet and a diameter of 4 feet, sometimes much greater. It is the largest of the western deciduous oaks and is a handsome and graceful shade tree.

Like the spread and beauty of the Valley Oak, Bella Sinclair is an extremely gifted and talented artist who is much beloved. Her art reveals enormous creativity, skill and artistry and oozes with life and joy. As a blogger, her demeanor is jovial and unassuming, her comments filled with amity. She is thoughtful, eloquent, lighthearted, sensitive, serious and funny. She is a mental ninja, an accomplished intellectual and professional, an academe before she concentrated on taking care of her epsilons and now a widely admired artist. In the blogs she is supportive and caring. She is a source of inspiration to many and most especially to me.
I hope that when Bella returns, this award would have already circulated in the blogs. It is my honor to give this award to the first recipients who I hope will find the same pleasure as I have in spreading its crown, giving shade and the comfort of friendship and caring and of sisterhood by sharing this award with their blog-friends and sisters!.

and most of all may Bella find her way here someday when she is ready to return and accept this award:
The Oaks Of BlogWorld (2)