
Extinction And Conservation In Progress

While others are busy poaching and killing rhinos, elephants, pangolins and other endangered species; there are others who are busy dedicating their lives, working, donating financial resources, sharing their expertise and knowledge, teaching their children and fellow men to be kind to animals and protect them in order to save the species.

2013 nearly 700 rhinos were killed in South Africa making it the bloodiest year for rhino poaching. Meanwhile, Nepal had zero poaching of rhinos, elephants and tigers, the second year in a row. This is remarkable considering that Nepal is close to Vietnam and borders China. 

This is maddening and blood curdling: "survey of 720 people in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, published earlier this month, found that typical buyers were "educated, successful and powerful individuals" and use rhino horn as currency in networking."

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