
I Think I Will Begin Again

Such harmful superstitions, hypocritical at best to claim and desire longevity and in the process of achieving such, be reckless and cruel to the point of extinction of species and destruction of others. It does not make any sense, but then again, humans were always selfish and cruel, concerned only of their own survival as a culture, a country, a political entity, a group, a religion, a community, an individual. What kinds of gods and spirits do these people worship? They kill and maim so they can live. You have already ceased to live. You merely exist.

I think...

I don't seek and expect great philosophical discussions here in the blogs, most of all in the hyperactive, attention-deficit, world of social media. I am averse to "Share" and "Like" buttons and I am repulsed by the verb "Friend". 

Now and then a gem of a reaction comment sends me into deep introspection or agitation. It has been a habit of mine for a very long time now, to write everyday, in any form. This blog was once an active part of my introspective process. After several years of blogging, I have met many memorable and unforgettable personalities. I have also met forgettable ones. 

The other day I was reading the log files of my computer's "restore" process. Rows after rows, I saw the names of beloved and dearest friends Rene Khan and Tessa Edwards. Wow. Thank you for the memories. 

I will begin.


I made a mistake. I got caught up in meeting deadlines and expectations so I can publish a finished drawing or painting or contribute to a group. It was never my purpose to do such thing. I don't have deadlines, I don't have expectations. Let me remind myself again that I draw and paint because I can't help it, that I love it and if I end up drawing a lizard or the Sasquatch when I think of a person, that is just fine and dandy. Retrospection. That's fine too but these images in my head are making me dizzy.


Bimbimbie said...

Oh Ces what a wonderful surprise to see your name just appear in my in box just now - I had to come over and give you a Tsup*!* from me and my feathered ones ... but your opening words have made my eyes widen - Wow and slap! I'm in the same mindset, wondering if I've fallen out of my earth and into some sort of parallel universe that is full of dumbed down thinking from the media and all of a sudden it seems at times to me that there's a sort of religious witch hunt right out of the 1500's against anyone who dares to question ...

better stop lol before I really get going ;)

Smiles to you*!*

Bella Sinclair said...

And that is one of the many reasons why I love you so. You are always true to yourself and your principles. I admire and respect that.

I'd much rather see oxpeckers on his back. Poor rhino.

Tsup tsup tsup

Manon said...

I second Bella's statement!! You, my friend, are a pistol! I mean that in a great way.
Btw.... these works of yours are fantastic. I am always in awe!!xoxoxo

k.h.whitaker said...

these newest drawings make me so sad :( No deadlines, I like that!

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

I love you lady. I really do. Amazing and so detailed.
Tsup baby!

steveroni said...

Joining in here Ces, it's me, and I sure glad you still like the NOUN "friend", b/c, well, just because.

Just went through my FB "friend" list, and had no idea I harbored 201 names there. Gonna raise anchor on those who I don't even recognize, might end up with FOUR!--grin!

Ya know, I have been spreading myself so thin in this regard of writing, that nothing of substance has a chance. Sometimes (OFTEN!) I just would like to quit it all. It's time for chat with "Pistol"-Squiggle friend from Houston.

Have GREAT weekend, Spring is here. RIGHT?