
Disguise - The Chameleon

The Chameleon. Detail of a much larger drawing. I am in heaven experimenting with different pens, nibs and ink. I am shaking with excitement, okay only for a few seconds and that was a while ago.

I hate Facebook. I  find it stale and very uncool. Things have hashtags, as if it isn't enough to just share the moment, one has to index it for the whole world to see. Everybody is a friend, a follower and a liker. Many are stalkers. If not for my family and very dear friends who are literally scattered around the globe, I would have quit. I cannot imagine why one would think that having over two thousand friends or a complete stranger following you, is normal. In real life, one is lucky to have one true friend. How many people are that lucky and blessed? It may surprise you, not many. I did not know people who are complete strangers can follow personal Facebook pages!  In Facebook, people share photographs of their operative sites, their scars, their dressings, selfies in the bathrooms, greasy meals. Here is an advice about selfies. Selfies are not new. They were once called self portraits. Avedon, Halsman, Eisenstaedt did them, with class, art and flair. Painters did them too, never in the bathrooms. I have limited my feeds to family and very close friends, those who actually have something original, interesting, smart and funny to share; and of course the beautiful ones. I have beautiful friends, that is my problem. I love them, I just hate the videos and hoaxes they seem to fall for, time and again. Why is that? Why do people with masters and doctorate degrees believe that a giant squid head was washed ashore in California? Why do these weird things happen in California? What is over there? The spamming and phishing bots headquarters of the U.S.A.? I envy my friends who do not have Facebook accounts, not even fake or secret ones used to troll or stalk someone in disguise; or hide behind aliases, like chameleons. That is most admirable. Instagram. I think I am going to throw up. Snapchat. Don't go there. You will drive the young ones away.


Rick Forrestal said...

Fantastic detail.
Love this new work.

Anonymous said...

Your work is incredible!!!

Mauricio Abril said...

Wow! An interesting rant and a beautiful work of art. You know, I agree with you 110% about Facebook and all the social sites. My personal solution is to avoid them altogether with two exceptions - 1. Somebody contacts me or 2. I have something noteworthy (at least in my opinion) to post or say that is either out of the norm or possibly interesting to someone else. The sad truth is that most people only post things about themselves and usually of trite or trivial subject matter, but according to a friend of mine, that is what Facebook is for. So I tend not to fight it anymore. That's where society is moving. The main problem that I see is that when everything gets attention (a picture of what you had for lunch, a random observation, a selfie that is blurry and in the bathroom with your trash visible), then nothing becomes important anymore. It all becomes visual noise.

Mauricio Abril said...

Oops, I was intending to say after my explanation about social media that I love seeing these process pictures, especially with your art. It's just mind boggling to me to think about the hours of dedication and attention you must spend to create each work of art. But that's why original art is so beautiful, right?

Ces Adorio said...

Thank you, Efi.

Ces Adorio said...

Mauricio, you are right. I think we all try to connect in a way we think is best. I think I am just easily annoyed with hoaxes and phishing posts. Now who knows how many people I annoy with my rants, reviews and yes, my beautiful dishes. Hehehehe. I actually take step-by-step photos of how to prepare special recipes that my friends and I share. Have a great week!

Tammie Lee said...

beautiful piece Ces, i love all the details, so alive.
I also like seeing the piece in stages.
you will get no argument from me over FB and what you have shared! Though every thing i share is personal and intimate, my arts mostly. I share nothing about the details of my life, not much about friends and family in my life.... that just does not feel like the place i want to do that. So we all use it differently.

Ces Adorio said...

You know, Tammie, I actually expected FB to be used in a personal way, after all I am reconnecting with old friends and it is a personal page, not a public page. It is the hoaxes and false information that drive me crazy.